​Burpengary Pony Club
To try on uniforms or to place an order, please contact our uniform conveyor Melissa Knight on 0407591561
Muster Uniform
Apricot Polo shirt with club logo (available for purchase at the clubhouse)
Dark brown jodhpurs, or dark brown stockman trousers (not jeans.)
Brown or black low heeled smooth soled elastic sided riding boots
Plain top boots (leather or synthetic).
Approved helmet AS3838, EN 1384 or ASTM F1163 or better, with chin strap (to be worn at all times & must be done up when mounted)
Formal Uniform
White long-sleeved shirt
The same boots, helmet & jodhpurs or dark brown stockman trousers (not jeans).
Helmet must be black, brown, navy blue or white.
Brown tie (available to purchase from the Club with either elastic or zipper neck)
Brown saddle pad with emblem (both available to purchase from the Club separately)
It is compulsory to wear full formal uniform when competing at Club competitions.
Click here for PCQ Gear Rules​
BPC Uniform Payment:
Once the uniform is ordered through our Uniform Convenor, payment is to be made to the BPC General Bank Account, with your surname and uniform as the reference. Please send through a copy of the receipt to the Uniform Convenor, for payment so we can collate everything together.
BPC General Bank Account
BSB - 034 114
A/C - 110959